The company

Who are we?

The company vorteX-io was born from the idea of transferring the expertise and know-how of its founders in space altimetry and oceanography to meet the climate challenges in continental hydrology. vorteX-io provides a large-scale solution for the resilience of territories and the security of people and property, facing flood and drought risks. 

To meet the major challenges related to the ever-increasing risks of floods and droughts, vorteX-io offers a complete system based on two complementary pillars:

  • a new generation of in-situ sensors network
  • a web-based visualization and alert platform.

The company designed and developed an innovative, compact, autonomous remote sensing instrument and non-invasive for the environment: the vorteX-io micro-station.
Directly inherited from space technologies, this micro-station is able to provide continuous and real-time measurements of several hydrological parameters with one centimeter accuracy.
Ultra-compact, reliable and easy to install, this intelligent and energy self-sufficient station has no equivalent on the market of monitoring watercourses.

Thanks to the Maelstrom® online platformsubscription-based hydrological service, users can :

  • easily view and export measurements from the vorteX-io network or other data sources
  • be alerted 24/7 by voice message, SMS and email when personalized thresholds are crossed on the parameters provided by the micro-station.

This solution meets the growing need for watercourse monitoring in the current context of rapid climate change.

The 2 founders

Guillaume Valladeau, CEO, and Jean-Christophe Poisson, CTO, have worked for 15 years in the space altimetry industry to measure the performance of satellite systems and to use data from space missions to provide accurate estimates of the rise in average sea levels.

The vorteX-io team

With a staff of more than thirty, the vorteX-io team brings together all the skills needed to design, develop and support the company’s innovative solutions.

vorteX-io team

Some figures


at your service

+ 0 %

of the network each year



History and milestones

Creation of the company vorteX-io

vorteX-io logo blue transparent background

Guillaume VALLADEAU and Jean-Christophe POISSON, co-founders, created vorteX-io on April 19, 2019. Having worked together several years on projects led by the French Space Agency (CNES) and the European Space Agency (ESA), the idea was born from a desire to export their know-how in satellite altimetry and oceanography to the field of continental hydrology and create vorteX-io.

April 2019

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